NOTE: Launch special below at the end of this post (Just for readers of the blog and their friends)…
I thought I’d kick off my first post with a bit of info about what we do at Vinyl Wall Expressions and what vinyl lettering is.
Vinyl lettering, Wall Words, Wall Quotes, and Wall Décor are all different terms for using indoor lettering to decorate and express ideas and thoughts throughout your home.
Vinyl wall words are the innovative way to decorate your home and inspire those around you by using poems, family sayings, and famous quotes that you would like to incorporate into your daily life.
Do you have a favorite quote?
Do you have a family motto?
Do you have a favorite scripture?
Do you have an inspirational quote by someone that you want to remember?
Now you can take any of these things and beautify your home with them by making them into your own custom wall lettering for your walls, mirrors, doors, borders, and even your car.
About Vinyl Lettering
Vinyl lettering is very thin, about the thickness of three coats of paint, and it is applied like a sticker. Your lettering comes pre-spaced, pre-pasted, individually cut letters that press onto your wall or flat surface. The best part is your wall lettering looks hand painted, without the hassle and mess of paint.
The wall lettering arrives a single roll of text, which you can apply as it is received, or you can cut your wall quote into 2 or more lines. Do you have family pictures that you want to accent? Maybe you’d like to remind a loved one of how much you care. Or, inspire your teenage to reach for the stars. You can do this with the power of wall words in your home.
Applying Your Lettering
Wall lettering is easy to apply, and some wall quotes take as little as ten minutes to apply to your walls. Simply rub your quote with an applicator or a credit card, remove the backing, and apply to the wall. Re-rub your quote when applied to the wall or flat surface and remove the cloudy transfer tape, and WOW you have just transformed your room!
Easy Removal
A great characteristic of vinyl lettering is that it’s easy to remove. When you would like a different quote or to redecorate you walls, simply peel off the wall lettering and throw it away. So wall lettering is perfect for apartments, college dorms, schools, sporting events, advertising–and of course, for your walls at home.
So beautify your walls and inspire people around you with the power of words by using indoor vinyl to express words, quotes and sayings on the walls of your home.
Make your house a home by creating custom wall sayings to express your individuality, and strength through inspiring quote, phrases, and family mottoes.
Launch Special–Get a FREE vinyl lettering quote!
We have a great deal for our blog readers. Put the code BLOGLAUNCH27 in the comment form at checkout for an order over $20 and we’ll throw in the quote below for free! This offer is good only until Monday June 8th.
Quote size is 3 inches x 25 inches. Don’t forget that you can choose the text color to match your decor!
BONUS: This offer is in addition to the free shipping you’ll get since your order is over $20.

Click here to get started. Remember code BLOGLAUNCH27.
Contact us if you have any questions or twitter us. We love to hear from you!
And we extra love being twittered, retweeted, or passed on to friends. Feel free to share the special offer code above.
UPDATE: The Paypal “notes to seller” comment form is closed by default and kind of hard to find. So if you miss it or it’s easier, just fill out the comment form or send an email to info at Just tell us your name, the code, and what text color you’d like.