The bedroom is one of the most commonly vinyl-improved areas of the house!
And we’re glad it is! It sweetens the room and adds that perfect, cozy touch. It’s above the bed, over the dresser, and even labels the shoes in your closet! I love when people put these in their children’s rooms, too – it’s just so lovely! So, snuggle up under that pretty little vinyl wall expression, and check out these wistfully, wonderful ones!
Top 5 Ways to Use Vinyl in Your Bedroom:
1) Over Your Bed!
Enhance your place of rest with that perfect quote, saying, or other custom vinyl lettering expression. Cuddle up with these charming expressions:
2) Child Names!
Love these!! You took great care in selecting the perfect name for your perfect bundle of joy, so creatively put up your kids’ names in their rooms! Doze off with these absolutely adorable ones:
In your kids’ rooms, let them know how much momma and poppa love them, even while they sleep! Safety blankets or animals will pale in comparison to these bedroom vinyl expressions.
4) Dream Quotes!
Dream a little dream with me… I had to do a category just for dreams, because there is so much to say about them! So, dream with these:
5) Inspirational Quotes
The bedroom is such a personal place. So, say what you want to say to yourself and whoever else enters. Don these fresh quotes and sayings in vinyl!
Oh, how wonderful these bedroom expressions are! I’m inspired once again by the ingenuity of so many vinyl wall expressions’ customers. They make the world brighter and just a little bit lighter for the rest of us. So jump on the bed to join them, and add your voice to your bedroom walls!
Turn on your computer, pull up your chair, and get to work! ‘Cuz vinyl wall expressions are workin’ it in the office! From intelligent notions, to whimsical daydreams vinyl will most productively capture your working environments’ essence.
You might wanna roll out the vinyl chair mat (a distant cousin to custom vinyl lettering as it turns out) because chairs are going to roll for this! It’s pretty exciting, so take a few notes!
Top 5 Ways to Use Vinyl in Your Office:
1) Brilliant Words!
Be smart. Be wise. Be funny. Be zealous! Whatever you want to be, you can be! Check some of these “be’s”:
2) Preparation Quotes!
What are you doing in your office – preparing for a project or homework? Feel free to brainstorm with some of these prep quotes:
3) Office/Art Studio Sayings!
Is your office more of a studio? You’re not alone- these are other vinyl lettering customers’ studio quotes. Get your paint on with some of these:
4) Three Words or Less!
Say it, then get back to work! Efficient quotes:
5) All Other Office Remarks!
Resplendent religious quotes, creative character-building quotes, and other magnificently motivational sayings! Read into some of these:
Oh, what intellectual treasures can be found in the office! But even though you have to work, work in style. Give that boring wall a reason to be stared at! Work your office with custom vinyl lettering, and revel in the success of a beautifully balanced working environment!
Load It Up!With Custom Vinylin the Laundry Room! (Top 3Uses)
Wash it out, dry it up, and fold it over- we’ve got vinyl in laundry rooms! The idea’s so stupendous; let’s take a look at the loads of fun vinyl wall expressions’ customers are having in the laundry room!
Top 3 Ways to Use Vinyl in Your Laundry Room:
1) Call It What It Is!
The Laundry Room! Set to spin with some of these custom vinyl expressions:
2) Witty Laundry Quotes
They’ve done it again, those spunky vinyl wall expressions’ customers! ‘Softener’ your day with a look at some of these:
3) And the Rest!
Quick quips and funny trips…these will fold it up for us today:
Wash out those grass stains, ring the towels, and sniff the socks, but never forget to thank the stars for those people whose dirty laundry you must handle, ‘cuz without them life is like an empty dryer, unfilled…
Welcome to our Home with Custom Vinyl Lettering! Starting withtheFront Porch & Entryway(Top 5 Uses)
And for the grand entrance…
It’s Vinyl for the Front Porch and Entryway!
What’s the first part of your home visitors see? Why yes, it’s the front porch and entryway! My purpose today is to help you “own” that first look with the right first impression.
Top 5 Ways to Use Vinyl for the Front Porch/Entryway:
1) Team Spirit!
Ever seen this done before, on the front door? Yeah, me neither! But what a cool idea to show your team spirit or celebrate the holidays with cute phrases! And I can guarantee you this; you’ll be the only one in your neighborhood with an awesome vinyl-y decorated front door! How’s that for a smashing design guarantee?
2) Family Name!
Honor. Courage. Integrity. Loyalty. Oh, ‘tis true many families from the middle ages bore a family coat of arms. So, if your family doesn’t already have one, what would you make it look like? Check out some of these “modern-age versions of a family “coat-of-arms” if you will…
3) Welcome Messages!
Bienvenidos! Bienvenue! Aloha! Willkommen! Benvenuti! Welcome! Say it however you want, the meaning is the same – You’re welcome here, and please come in!
(Translation – Irish for “A Thousand Welcomes”)
4) Personal Family Phrases!
What’s more important than family? Nothing! So, express it through vinyl so everyone knows without a doubt what your highest priority is and always will be!
5) General Family Phrases!
These always touch the heart and fill it with that warmth that home brings. Check out these simple, splendiferous ones:
Ah, so sweet is the love of a mother or sister or brother! Whoever you are, and wherever you may be in the world, you know how important family is and consequently how important the home is. From the moment visitors step foot in your home, they’ll have a good sense of what kind of people you are.
So, show the world what your family bond means to you!
And then, as the French say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler!” or “Let the good times roll!”
Sending a special thank you to my own lovely family,
6 Ways Custom Vinyl Lettering Can Boost Your Business
Yes, there are 6! And what’s more is that’s just a minimum.
So, step into my office, and tell me, what business are you in? Health & Wellness, Retail, Construction, Insurance? Well, whatever it may be, you’re in the right place!
You and me, we’re going to tap into our creative genius and list 6 different ways to use custom vinyl lettering in your business …
1) Business Names!
Part of your business includes your business name and getting it out there to the big wide world! So, hang up that phone, put on those glasses, and scroll through some of these:
2) Your Slogan!
We know you have a clever, fun, exciting slogan! So, personalize your place of business, and create your own custom vinyl lettering slogan for your walls or windows!
3) Mission Statements!
Let them know what you stand for! Let them see it clear as day! Hang it high and with pride! Since your mission statement describes the core of your business, you definitely want those you do business with to know what it is – to know your core values, and by extension to know you. So, put them up!
Here are a few stimulating mission statements:
4) Instructions
Let them know where they’re going and when! Vinyl lettering is perfect for hours of operation, product displays, product specials, restrooms, and more!
For example, a customer in your business might turn to his/her companion and ask, “When do they close?” then swing around blindly searching for the answer as if just the simple act of asking a question produces an answer. But Smarty Pants You and your company have already anticipated this way of thinking and compensated for it.
So, with wide eyes, you slowly point to the posted vinyl hours of operation. These customers stare in wonder at your company’s foresight, and instantly generate respect for you and your company.
And just like that, you’ve generated another loyal customer for your company! Keep it up, and you might just get a promotion!
Use wall vinyl to label areas of your business for communicative purposes. Please observe below:
5) Letters for Wall Displays!
Make that wall display look professional! Organize it by creating a custom vinyl wall lettering title. Like this one:
And this one:
6) Inspirational Quotes and Phrases
There probably isn’t a business out there that hasn’t been inspired by a great leader. Vinyl wall quotes get that timeless wisdom up where visitors can share in the inspiration. Here are some of the examples of businesses that have done just that:
So, there they are – the 6 best ways to boost your business with custom vinyl lettering!
Get your image out there and in the most creative, professional way possible. Make them admire you and your business. Make them feel that passion you have for your work! Make them believe!
Welcome to the widely-undiscovered, real world of vinyl! How do people love to use vinyl lettering?
Let’s count the ways: walls, cars, boats, windows, tiles, canvas pictures, street signs, and almost any surface!
As in other art expressions, the opportunities are forever endless.
My purpose today is to further open your eyes to the dazzling, splendiferous, happily versatile World of Vinyl Lettering!
Top 10 Ways to Use Vinyl Lettering
1) Home Décor – Walls, Ceilings, Floors, & Do-Dad Decorations
Label your kids’ rooms, places, spaces, and faces! (I’m actually not sure if vinyl could go on skin, but for our purposes, I’ll just go ahead and advise against that one.)
2) On Your Boat – Your Boat’s Name & Registration Info
Personally, I don’t own a boat, but if I did I would name it “The Little Spirit” and use bright pink vinyl lettering with a thick, dark, metallic grey shadow behind the letters.
3) In Your Place of Business’ Windows
Put it on the windows INSTEAD of spending thousands of dollars on other signage. $50 Vinyl Wall Lettering or $2,000 sign, hmm… you do the math. And if you can’t, join my club, and I’ll give you the bottom line–the $50 one is cheaper and just as professional!
L Party Designs Event & Floral Designing Studio
4) On Wood – The Kind in Your House or Other Such Establishment
Put vinyl on your front door! Check out what these people did! They’re ‘why not?’ people. Me likey!
Rah Rah TCU
5) On Tile – Kitchen & Bathroom – Which is Actually Not That Uncommon
I see all these crazy, radical people putting cool sayings in their kitchens and bathrooms, and I think to myself, “Yes! Rock on you guys!”
Family Matters Family is Everything Families Are Forever Family First
6) In Your Classroom!
Calling all teachers – decorate please! Jazz up your classroom environment with a cool message:
Please Excuse the Mess My Students Are Learning
7) What about a Metal Surface?
Like A Filing Cabinet or Metal Message Board? Or your fridge?? I’ve seen a lot of people put diet reminders on their fridges – handwritten post-its, dinky little magnets, but what if you had a beautiful, uplifting way to remind yourself of your commitment to your diet? You could use this witty line, “Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks” or this quote I found by Jim Davis, “Avoid fruits and nuts. You are what you eat.”:P Yeah, it’s a little out there, but who knows? You might want to check into this idea. Some of the greatest ideas were ridiculed before being called genius!
8) Seasonal Decorations!
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah – Do your holidays right, and impress your guests! Your vinyl lettering just might be a hot topic during your holidays. And it just might not be. But I can tell you, it’s one of those self-expression things that people love to admire. 🙂
The Stockings Were Hung From the Chimney With Care
9) Brag About your Kids (mobile – ily)!
In style, of course! Make them (and you 🙂 look really good by putting vinyl lettering on your car windows. People love to read things about how great your children are! It’s true!
You Are My Sunshine Caroline and Lily
10) And Of Course, Signs Galore!
Plastic sidewalk signs, signs for conferences, and signs for events (parties, weddings, and religious ceremonies!) Love this one:
Welcome to the Armadillo Bar & Grill Chat n’ Chew and Ketchup Too!
Top 10 – bam! Oh, but the list goes on and on and on. That’s what Google tells me anyway, and I believe everything I read. As should you, but when you click out of this blog, feel free to become skeptical again. 😉
Caitlin’s Conclusion about the World of Vinyl Lettering:
Every morning I wake up and look at my vinyl-aly decorated wall first, and what a simplistically splendid way to start my day! I think to myself, “Self, you did that. And it looks awesome. What other awesome
things are you going to do today?” Positive affirmations never hurt anyone!
So, to whoever invented the World of Vinyl Lettering, I send my thanks:
Thank you for creating an easy way to take my decorating passions and pursuits to the next level. Thank you for giving me a way to impress those I love and those I don’t love around me with my creativity.
Thank you for enhancing our lives with such a blissfully versatile, beautifully user-friendly tool.
Vinyl decals and wall quotes can sometimes seem tricky to apply. However, they are quick and easy to install. By following the six-step process below, you can apply a vinyl decal painlessly to any surface, avoiding folding, tearing, or creasing your decal.
Depending on where you ordered it, your wall decal probably arrive in a cardboard tube mailer like the one below:
Wall Lettering tube with a wall quote from Vinyl Wall Expressions
Inside the cardboard tube, you’ll find your vinyl decal attached to transfer paper or a similar backing. Most vendors will also provide some sort of written instructions on how to apply your decal, but those aren’t always especially descriptive or helpful.
Sheets of vinyl wall lettering on transfer paper from Vinyl Wall Expressions
Outside of what’s included in the package you’ll need all of two basic household items:
Masking Tape
Measuring Tape OR Level (This one’s optional and only necessary if you’re a perfectionist.)
Let the quotes lie flat for a while (because they come rolled up), or just roll them backwards a few times.
Use the level or measuring tape to determine exactly where your quote will go. This is especially important if you are applying a larger decal or wall quote. It can also help if you gently wash/wipe away the dirt on the wall, and then allow it to dry.
Note: I’ll be demonstrating the process with the second line of our quote. So, we’re starting with this:
Installed wall quote from Vinyl Wall Expressions
Applying the Decal
1. Tape the decal to the wall
Think of the quote like a sandwich – on the bottom you have your back paper, then the actual letters of the quote, then the transfer tape on top.
First, use the masking tape to tape your quote to the wall, facing forward. Think of the quote like a sandwich – on the bottom you have your back paper, then the actual letters of the quote, then the transfer tape on top.
Caitlin’s Confession: Influenced by my less-particular sister, I didn’t actually use the level. We eye-balled it.
2. Rub the decal onto the wall
Use the applicator to rub the letters, with it still encased in the transfer paper. (It’s still a sandwich). My wall was highly textured, so I had to rub and rub and rub and rub.
3. Flip the decal up
Just flip it on itself, so you can remove the back paper.
Peeling the transfer paper apart from the decal.
4. Place the vinyl
Slowly place the vinyl in its final resting place on the wall. Once you’ve started applying the lettering or decal to the wall, try to avoid peeling it up and moving it, as this can weaken and remove the adhesive.
5. Rub the vinyl again
Rub the decal a second time. (The transfer tape is still on top of the wording.) This will help make sure it doesn’t stick to the transfer paper when you remove it.
Rubbing the vinyl letters against the wall
6. Remove the transfer paper
Carefully (and slowly) peel away the transfer paper from the back of your decal. If a letter sticks to the transfer paper, put the transfer paper back over it and rub it a few more times.
This is the last, and sometimes the longest, step in applying a vinyl wall decal.
When you’ve finished applying and then admiring your decal, it will stick just fine right away. However, you should avoid heating it or rubbing against it for a few days.
Admire your finished wall expression!
Final Tips
Depending on the surface of your wall, you may have some extra difficulty applying a vinyl decal. If it won’t stick, here are some tips to help your decal stick. Textured walls can cause some extra difficulty, as can dirty surfaces like cars and rough surfaces like wood or canvas.
When applying a larger decal, it’s also important to pick one place to start rubbing the decal to avoid any sort of bubbling. For applying a vinyl decal to your wall, you do NOT need to use a sealer- in fact, it can actually get under the decal and keep it from sticking.
We’re excited to announce a series of upcoming blog posts with some of our colleagues and customers who use vinyl for their businesses.
Today we’re thrilled to speak with Linda, the brains and inspiration behind Craftaholics Anonymous and She shares what it’s like to be a pro blogger and craft designer with young children. Thanks, Linda!
P.S. Have you seen how cute her patterns are at RuffledBegonia? Wow!
How do you juggle your writing, business, two little kids, and your craftaholism?
It’s not easy, that’s for sure!! What helps me a lot is to prioritize my tasks. Each day I set 1-2 goals that I would like to get done for my blog, decide the best way to accomplish them, and then hope for the best!! With two young kids, my schedule has to be flexible and my family always comes first. So if I don’t get done what I had hoped to, that’s ok. I do the best I can!
One other thing that I have found is if I need to get something done on my computer, to avoid social media sites until I’m done with my task(s). I get on, get my writing/photo editing done, and then if I have time, then I go to my Facebook or twitter pages. Those sites can sap your time very quickly and waste the precious moments you have before the baby wakes up.
Linda from Craftaholics Anonymous
How did you transition your blog to a business with advertising and sponsors?
Very good question! When I felt my following was large enough to offer value to sponsors, I simply created a button on my sidebar that said, “Advertise Here” with a link to an advertising page with more info.
Were you nervous when you had to give up alphabetizing your pantry?
Yes. After having kids, losing control of how clean/organized my house was a tough transition. I was a clean freak before the kids came. I thrived on cleaning my house very regularly. When I could no longer do that, it stressed me out! Watching my child with spaghetti covered fingers wipe his hands on everything in sight was about more than I could handle! LOL! Now I am very used to messes and lots of them with 2 little boys! haha
What have you changed in your house lately?
I just redid my Master Bedroom! (I love how it turned out! the gray, yellow, and black came together so nicely!)
I love tweaking and changing things around our home! We are currently trying to sell our house, so when I change the decor or layout of a room, buyers are like, “It looks nothing like the pictures on your listing!” It kind of makes me laugh because my home almost never looks the same week to week!
Linda’s awesome master bed remodel
Do you have any upcoming projects you’re excited about?
I just opened up a pattern shop, and I’ve got some really awesome ideas for a couple patterns! And yes, most of them include ruffles 🙂
Have you ever had a craft project go terribly wrong and were your kids involved?
Oh yes, I have had plenty of projects go COMPLETELY wrong! lol! One that makes me giggle is when I tried to cover a tennis ball with strips of red and cream toile fabric for an accent in my front room. The print was mainly cream with the design in red so when I was done covering the tennis ball, it looked like a bloody eyeball!!! It was aw*ful! Luckily it was right before Halloween, so I just stuck a googly eye on it and embraced the ugliness!
What bloggers do you love reading?
Ever since the baby was born in October, I haven’t had time to read blogs. But I used to love reading Pioneer Woman (who doesn’t?!) and Centsational Girl. Both fabulous ladies!!
Why is Vinyl Wall Expressions on your “Raves” list?
I love that Vinyl Wall Expressions lets you design your own custom vinyl decals!